martes, 23 de agosto de 2011

Welcome back again!
If you look below, there's a new link for you to use with many possibilities. You can play language games with The Hangman or the Spelling Bee, but you can also learn new vocabulary or things about people, the news, ...

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010


A very good way of practising your English is through music. At the end of this blog, you can find a version of a classic Brazilian song.

BBC English

Hello again!
This is for BACHILLERATO students.
I've included a very useful gadget which you can see on your left. If you click on any article of it, you'll have access to the complete website. By clicking on grammar, vocabulary & pronunciation you can easily go to the bottom of the page and find videos and activities about pronunciation. They're very clear and standard English accent.
There are many more things which you can discover yourself.

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Phonetic Symbols

These are the phonetic symbols of the English language. Bachillerato students should be already working with them. The images are not very clear but I hope they're useful for you.

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010

Welcome Again!!!

Hello again students,
I hope you all had a good summertime.
This year I have new students and this is the blog we are going to use to help us learn English and have fun at the same time.

If you are Bachillerato students we'll use the blog for activities, compositions and maybe some listening practice.
At the end of the blog you can find a classical Brazilian song in a new version by Diane Krall. I'll include more things from time to time.

If you are 1º ESO students we are going to do many projects and maybe some games using the blog.

See you!!